The origin of the name ‘Bansberia’ has its roots in an age-old legend. Theimperatorship of an area including the present-day Bansberia was handed over toRaghab Dattaroy of Patuli by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in 1656. Raghab’sson, Rameshwar, cleared a bamboo grove to build a fortress. Hence, inspiring thenameofthetown,Bansabati.ThedominionofBansberiaMunicipalitywasestablished on 1st April, 1869 in British Rule. It falls under the Hooghly district ofWestBengalandissituatedontheWesternBankoftheriverHooghly.Theareaof Bansberia Municipality is 9.07 sq km, divided into 22 wards, covering twohistoricaltowns namelyBansberia andTribeni.

Economy here is predominantly fueled by the secondary sector activities inand around the town. The primary and tertiary sectors also contribute their fairshare of influence on the economy. Population and employment are the mainplanksofeconomic growthhere which arerelated to theabovekeysectors.According totheCensusof2011, the population ofBansberiaMunicipalityis1,03,920andtheliteracyrateis 78.53%.

Bansberiaservesasaculturaldiffusionpointasthepopulationhere iscomposed of locals as well as people from other parts of the country. The placeboasts of rich heritage and tradition and is home to a number of historical sitessuchasHanseswariTemple(1814A.D.),AnantaBasudebMandir(1679A.D.)andaShrineofZafarKhanGhaziDargah(1298A.D.),whichhavebeendeclaredas National heritage sites under the Monuments and Archaeological Sites andRemains Act 1958. Raghu Dakat’s Kali Temple is adjacent to Tribeni. Within thereach of 4 to 5 km from Bansberia , Bandel Church (1599 A.D.) is located which isone of the few ancient churches of India, architected in the Portuguese style andthe Hooghly Imambara (1861 A.C.), built by Danbir Md. Mohshin. Tourists visitBansberia all around the year to witness these archaeological sites in their fullsplendour.

Bansberia and Tribeni are utmost historical town as well as mythologicalimportance. Bansberia flourished as the commercial hub of “Saptagram”, a portcity built by Hindu rulers, famous for its inland and foreign trades with Europesince the 17th Century whereas Tribeni holds a mythological significance as it isconsidered to be the confluence point of three rivers, namely the Ganga, theYamuna and the Saraswati. Tribeni is considered to be a holy place of pilgrimageand is famous for its bathing ghats which attract huge mobs of pilgrims duringHindufestivalswhichaddstotheeconomicprosperityofthetownaswell.Thousands of people take their holy bath at Tribeni Sangam in differentfestivalsroundtheyear.

Bansberia, the land of great literates and scholars, marked the origin of the“Pathagar Andolan” by the leadership of Kumar Munindra Debroy, so well-keptlibrariesaremaintainedinthetowntopreserveitsheritage.Thesportsassociations and clubs here are also of significant standards and practice sports ofinternationallevels.KartikPujaisthemostsignificantlycelebratedandwellorganised festival of the place. Along with God Kartick, other gods and goddessesare also worshiped as a part of the tradition that has been betiding for centuries.Bansberia’sKartickPujaisasadmirableandnoteworthyasthatofChandannagar’sJagadhatriPuja,NabadwipandSantipur’sRasFestivalandMahesh’s Rath Yatra. In the last few years, it’s fame has risen and reached beyondtheboundaries ofdistricts,states andnations.

BansberiaMunicipalitymarksitswordsbyprovidingpropersanitationfacilities, uninterrupted water supply and prioritising the economically weakersections.AlargenumberofSelfHelpGrouphavebeenpatronizedbytheMunicipality.BansberiaisawardedasaCleanCityinseveralyearbytheGovernmentpertainingto its cleanlinessandsanitation.

As a Chairman , we look after the entire Municipal service with a extremepriority. We are trying our best to build a corruption free ambience that helps ourcitizens .We started a time convenient live programme for the citizen of ourMunicipal area, named“Pouro Sathi ” to meet upthe problemsand grievancesandsharetheirsuggestionfor bettermentof Municipalservice.

We are trying to recover our religious and cultural heritage .In recent dayshistorians have revealed some evidence that the famous Kumbh Mela and SahiKumbh Snan was observed at Tribeni Sapata Rishi Ghat(Shibpur Jhautala KaliBari Ghat) near about 702 years ago. Due to aggravation of some religious conflictand Muslim incursion in medieval period the said Kumbh Snan was stopped and itlost its fame. In the year 2022 , by support of some eminent religious organisationof India we are arranged again the Sahi Kumbh Snan , Ganga Arati and RudraMaha Yagga at Tribeni . The thousands of people came to Tribeni in a festivemood to participate the Kumbh Snan and Rudra Maha Yagga and it was observedinagrandmanner.

We are going through a huge renovation work of Tribeni Mukta Beni Ghatand other Ghats within our Municipal Jurisdiction. Weare going to develop theentire Sangam area of river Ganga by construction of new roads and bridges .Inland Waterways Authority of India, GOI,has decided to construct a new Jetty atTribeniShibpurforbetter communicationwithKalyaniandKanchrapara.

Now, its our humble request to all the people to stretch your hand forbetterment in all . I believe that you will do so and Bansberia Municipality markeditsnamefor prosperityanddevelopment . Withregards…

                                                                                                         SriAditya Neogy

                                                                                               ChairmanBansberia Municipality

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